Fall Fanatic







Happy fall y’all!

As soon as it was October, I fully embraced every aspect of the autumn season. I think to say fall is my favorite time of the year may be an understatement. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a total water baby who loves the summer sun, but there is just something about a crisp fall day in New England that brings back years of happy memories. Some of my favorite fall activities include: asking everyone in my family at least once per day if they will go apple picking with me, taking the scenic route home (going way out of my way on my commute home to find any and all trees that have changed color), consuming apple and pumpkin products in any capacity, almost exclusively, making far too many trips to Home Goods, and repeatedly saying “Oh wow, I just love fall.” I welcome the eyerolls from those of you who think I am as basic as they come because I love this time of year and nothing is going to stop me from taking it all in every second I can.



This fall though is especially wonderful because I now have my pup! I love having a puppy around because I finally have someone who is just as excited by everyday things as I am. Luca doesn’t mind that I want to stop every five seconds to look at a tree or some pumpkins. He is more than happy to stop with me and smell anything and everything in his path. He makes everything an adventure and I am so blessed to have a new companion by my side!


Our most recent adventure took us to Brooksby’s Farm in Peabody. I have been coming here for as long as I remember. One of our oldest traditions is taking pictures with my siblings in the apple trees. Almost every year it seems make the Christmas card picture because it’s just about the only time my mom can get us all together. I think the only reason this seems to work is because we know that there are warm apple cider donuts waiting for us inside the little farm stand. The line is almost always to the door when we go but the wait is always worth it.



I think I may have done every fall activity imaginable, but that won’t stop me from trying to find more. If you love fall like I do and have some fun activities to share, comment them below!


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